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Sex & you

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sex tips for her
When you are thinking of how to pleasure your man and want him to enjoy sex between you, remember one thing, it's easy to do so. Guys are always easy to turn on, but you have to satisfied their eyes and know how to seduce them. So how can you do that? Men doesn't need foreplay, but they something to turn them on, they may have a bad day at work, and a sexy lingerie in you will make his day. Guys always enjoy to see their women satisfy themselves, masturbate in front of him and let him know that you want to have sex with him. Don't be shy to do so as men like it a lot, and they feel so good when the woman is taking initiative to make the sex better. Make the sex fun and it will be a wonderful sex. Try to surprise your man with the lingerie while he step into the house, this will give him a very big surprise. When you are making love, don't just lie on the bed, there are a lot of things that you can do to make sex more fun and explosive. We will come into detail next time. We always talk about communication in relationship, sex as well. Give him some hints or guide during sex that can make you orgasm or making you feel better. If you don't want to make it too obvious, try to hint him or just encourage him when he is on the right track.