You may not like the smell of garlic, but it contain alicin that help blood flow to your sexual organs. It's a highly effective herb that is able to boost your libido. You know eggs are nutritious, but how good is it and why is it good for libido? Eggs are high in vitamin B5 and B6, it help balance hormone level and fight stress, two things that are crucial for a healthy libido. Fruits like mangoes, peaches and strawberries are good for sex as well. There isn't any further elaboration about nutrition of the fruit in the website, but it can be fun to eat during sex. Tomato skin is rich in lycopene, the high beta-carotene content convert to Vitamin A, both are good for your prostate and sexual health. Never forget about Avocadoes, it is rich in Vitamin B6 that is a powerful source of male hormone production. Figs are high in amino acids that believe to increase libido, that improve sexual stamina .
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Sex & you

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Foods for increasing libido
This must be an interesting topic, I have found this in msn and askmen website. So I just simplified and share it with you. I think you will find it amazing as these foods are very common in our life, and you don't know that such a common food is the non chemical; organic libido booster for your body. These foods are price effective, it won't cut a hole in your pocket. The most common food is Oyster, bet you know about it. Oyster is very famous aphrodisiac that is famous in libido boosting, it's high in zinc, it's good for raises sperm and testosterone production. Honey, it's high in vitamin b which helps testosterone production as well. Honey is also a low GI food that it gives a slow, steady energy release to help your stamina. Honey is also very good to use during sex, you may just put it all over her body and lick it. Banana, it contain bromelain enzyme, which is useful for reverse impotence in men. Banana also full of potassium and Vitamin B, it can increase body's overall energy. I do found that organiser in marathon distribute banana as an energy boosting source for runners, bet this is the reason. Almond or nuts, this are the raw material for production of hormones. Remember to take it raw.
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