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Thursday, June 30, 2011
Sleeping disorder and Erectile dysfucntion
A research just show that sleeping disorder can create more health problem than those we normally think of. We knew that your sexual performance may be weaker if you don't get enough rest, but we never think that it will relate to erectile dysfunction directly. You may search for this in msn 'Sleep problems tied to erectile dysfunction and incontinence', and this information is getting from 2 research. For those party animal and workaholic, this may give you a wake up call. Take care of your health or you won't be able to give your sex partner orgasm. Research shows that sleep apnea may cause erectile dysfunction, and men have higher risk of getting it. The research is actually trying to study the sleeping pattern thus helping to improve sleeping quality to gain a healthier life. For those who are suffering insomnia, sleeping disorder and so on, there are few tips to help you improve your sleeping quality. Avoid caffeine, these thing can keep your eyes wide open at night if you are sensitive to it. Exercise, exercise is always a good way to make your body healthier, you can sleep better while your exhausted. A comfortable bed, pillow, room etc. to pamper yourself with. Leave your pressure and stress in the office and relax yourself, worry about your work only in your office. Your life won't get any better by taking it back with you. Sleep tight and take care of your health, you will have a strong penis then.