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Sex & you

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Happy Sex
Sex can bring you happiness, you can use sex to make your life more lively. Most of the time, we have so many things in life that make us depress, stress, sad and anything that is bad you can relate in life. And sex is on the opposite side of all these negative things, it can bring you pleasure, warm, loving, close and etc. I think you can call sex a happy pill that is free, so you can throw all your anti depression pill and make love to pleasure yourself. The sexy intimate sex can make your life more wonderful. The sex need not to be a fully penetrate sex, it can be just a stimulating sex manually that just to make you and your partner to feel there is still something that can feel good in life. It can be wonderful when you need something to cheer you up and let you know that the life that we have here still worth it. There are still a lot of things to cheer you up in life and sex is one of it. Happy sex can divert your focus to happy things, it doesn't worth to think about the sad things. You have to focus on the good things that can make you live your life better, something that can help you to go through the bad times and even make you happier in the morning when you wake up. Sex can be one of the thing. Happy sex can make you feel sweet, love and care. Sex can help to restore the intimate relationship you have and make your relationship close again.