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Sex & you

Monday, July 18, 2011
Orgasm at the right time!
Orgasm... The big O is a myth or something hard for some of those without experience. And how to make it at the right time. You orgasm too soon before the girls have it, they are not satisfy, too late they will feel so boring and start to see whether their nails are nice and when should they go for a manicure. If you want to ejaculate faster instead of making sex too long, wear a thinner condom, this thinner condom can make your penis more sensitive. Don't have sex too long, we mean the moment when you start to penetrate, foreplay doesn't count. Else your sex partner can't enjoy the sex and her vagina start to dry, you will have problem ejaculate at a later moment. For those who have premature ejaculation or want to last longer after their sex partner's orgasm, they may use thicker condom so that this will lower the sensitivity of their penis thus have longer sex penetration. Some little technique that people always use are change of sex position. When you are going to ejaculate, pull out your penis, change to another sex position that is not so sensitive for you. For example, your penis may feel less sensitive while she is on the top as she is taking charge and the move may not be exactly what you want, but she can have what she wants, she may have orgasm. You may delay ejaculate and satisfy her sexual needs. If you want to ejaculate sooner, you may masturbate yourself sometime to know about your own sexual needs and what can make you ejaculate faster. You can use it in your sex and help you to ejaculate faster.