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Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Threesomes Sex
Threesomes is always a big fantasy for guys, of course we hope that there are two girls to have sex with us at the same time but not two guys to bang a girl. I had actually read an article that is telling us how to make it happen. It wrote there that some girls do feel flattered when you ask them for threesomes, keep an open mind. That doesn't mean that you can ask your wife, girlfriend just like this, there are some rules and tips for you to follow else you will ended up in a disaster. At first, you may share your fantasy with your partner, just make it like a share of fantasy but not a real suggestion. See how is she reacted to it. If she is not interested with it, that's all, end of story, you may just go to look for hookers or strippers to have sex with you at the same time, if you don't mind to pay double. So if she is interested, then you have to set some ground rules here, what is you and her limit. Does she mind if you to kiss or even penetrate or have sex with the guest star, don't push if she is not prepare for it. This rules are important, if you don't set it properly beforehand, your relationship will end up pretty badly. If this threesomes thing does happen, make sure you focus more on your wife or girl friend, she may feel jealous at any time, you have to be aware at any time. And at the same time if your partner is enjoying kissing, caressing with the guest star, don't feel bad, enjoy the show and see whether there is anything that you can do and won't affect them at the same time. Say you kiss your wife's back or holding her hand. Give as much as you can since your wife already give you such a big fantasy. If you are able to turn both the women on and they turn their focus back to you, you're in heaven man. Penetrate, know when to start the sexual intercourse is important, you have to let both of them prepare for this sex and they feel comfortable about it. By the time you penetrate, you have to take care the other party who have left out, touching to kissing her and look her in the eye. The last part is how to make yourself more 'durable', as you are having sex with both girls, you may feel more excited than usual, you may ejaculate faster than usual as well. So control yourself, slow things down then you may able to satisfy both girls, if you ejaculate sooner than their orgasm, just use your hand and mouth to finish the job. They will be please as well. Remember, this is not a relationship, so it's best not to stay over night with the guest star. Good luck for your threesomes sex.