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Monday, July 18, 2011
The Penis Size Does Matter
We have heard about this a lot and you know about that very well. Ok, we are not talking about the length of the penis, as we already know that a long penis can touch the g spot inside the vagina. There is another theory about the size of the penis, the girth of your penis. In simple word the width of your penis. There are a lot of nerves around clitoris, and we have mention in previous post that the 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock of her clitoris is very sensitive as well, they call it the vestibular bulb the nerve there is about the double quantity of your penis. So you know how that it's double the sensitive of your penis, not to mention that it's such a small surface. If you have a large penis, that can give her more pleasure as your penis will give more pressure on the clitoris and the sensitive area around it which they call it the vestibular bulb. There are also some little technique to make your penis works like more wider, like circulate your penis a bit while making love, this will give pressure to the tissues around her vagina. Another simple idea, add a finger in her vagina while you penetrate. Good sex position also allow you to give more pressure for the area surrounding her vagina. The doggy style, this will give more pressure on the other end of her vagina. And missionary with both her leg on your shoulder will give her more pleasure as well, it will make her orgasm come faster than ever.