Sex & you

Sex & you

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Epilepsy and sexuality

Numerous studies have confirmed the link between seizures and the time of first menstruation also known as menarche. So, how does epilepsy affect the menstrual cycle?

There are many studies that suggest that the emergence of epileptic seizures in the time of the first menstruation. In some studies, it was determined that women suffering from epilepsy usually have anovulation periods, polycystic eggs, irregular menstrual periods or even absence of menstruation.
Does the menstruation cycle affect epilepsy?

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Polycystic ovaries are related to hyperandrogenism which means increased levels of male hormones. This occurrence is accompanied by increased hairiness, anovulatory or irregular cycle and obesity. According to some statistics between 5 and 20% of women have such characteristics. If these women are not treated and not taking antiepileptic drugs, the clinical picture of epilepsy may worsen. There is a special type of epilepsy that occurs in the pre-menstrual period and this epilepsy is called catamenial epilepsy. It is believed that is related to increased levels of estrogen (well-known female hormone) in the luteal stage of the menstrual cycle. There are certain studies that have shown that women with epilepsy experience some changes in the EEG during menstruation and more frequent episodes of seizures in the times of high levels of estrogen in the pre-ovulatory period in the follicular stage of the menstrual cycle. It was noted that the use of progesterone decreases the number of epileptic seizures and that it is very important to balance the levels of estrogen and progestoren well in order to reduce these seizures. In the normal menstrual cycle, when progesterone concentration reaches its highest level, there is no chance of epileptic seizures. Now let’s see how epilepsy affects sexuality and sexual life in women.

What is most important is to have a partner that understands the situation. Sexuality is the most elemental part of human beings with which we are all born and die and it is expressed in different ways appropriate to the period of life. People have always used their sexuality for their own reproduction and in some cases people have struggled to suppress their sexuality while some of them have exploited their sexuality. Since sexuality is an integral part of all humans, sexologists say that people must dream and fantasize about it when they cannot express or apply it. Every human being, be it healthy or sick or with certain disabilities has need to express their sexuality. Since we all know that epilepsy affects the psychosomatic nature of humans, it is true that epilepsy in some way shapes the sexuality of men and women.

We must highlight the fact that most women with epilepsy have completely normal sexual needs and desires. If a woman goes for medical examinations on a regular basis and if they are taking medications for epilepsy and use adequate contraception, then it is not necessary to deny or repress their sexuality. The only thing they need to do is to adjust their sexual behavior to their own capabilities. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Are you ready for sex?

Here are some things you should consider before sex:

Although some think they are old enough, it may not be the best time for sex. There are no rules when exactly should happen to you when you should have sex for the first time. Readiness for it occurs at different times in each person. Fail to do so may affect your future sex life and cause you lack of sex drive.

It is your decision 
You can always choose when you want to have sex and with whom. Just because you've done it before, with one person does not mean that you have to do it again. Is this just to satisfy your partner and you even need to find something to stimulate yourself to boost testosterone level?

When and with whom to do it is one of the important decisions in your life. You're the only one who can decide. Whether you lose your virginity or will have sex again, remember the following tips:

Talk about sex
Better embarrassed to talk about sex than embarrassing sex before you are ready. There are a lot of things you should consider.
• Are you both ready for sex?
• Will you make sex for the right reasons, not because you are under pressure?
Sex is not the only aspect of the relationship, and there are other ways to enjoy each other. Discuss what you want and what you want to do. You can do other things and they like - as conversations, meeting with friends and family, concert, theater, sports, walks and listening to music.

10 questions to yourself
You should be confident about how we will react if it comes to sex and where will actually proceed. Ask yourself when you feel comfortable. This exact time is it right spot, the right person? Do you really believe that man and mutual have your feelings?

• Do you feel better?
• Do you love your partner?
• Does he loves you too?
• Did you talk about using condoms and how the conversation went?
• Are you prepared contraceptives?
• Can you say "no" at any time if you change your mind both be OK with that?
If you answer "yes" to all questions, then maybe the time is right. But if you answer "yes" to these questions, it does not hurry:
• Do you feel under pressure from a partner or friends?
• Why do you want to do sex to impress their friends or because you really want?
• Are you afraid to lose a close working relationship if you do not have sex with him?

Having a relationship does not necessarily mean having sex. Even if you've done it once or twice to be sure whether you really want to proceed.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Vulvodynia Sexual Problems

Vulvodynia is a sexual problem of women, it is pain and some burning sensation at the outside part of female genitals and the entrance of the vagina. It is an elusive disease, it is hard to diagnose. Gynecologists can set a diagnosis by ruling out any other health problem of the genitals. When doctors cannot find any reason behind burning, irritating pain in your genitals, you can assume that you have vulvodynia.

Awareness Is Important
It is a common sexual health issue. According to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Research on Women’s Health, a study conducted in 2006 suggests that about one in five women have the symptoms of vulvodynia. However, many health care providers do not know this disease. According to a 2003 study from the Harvard Medical School, over 3,000 women have visited at least three doctors with their symptoms, and 40 percent of them were not diagnosed with this condition. As a result, in 2007, The National Institutes of Health has started a campaign that should raise awareness of this problem.

Irwin Goldstein, MD, the director of San Diego Sexual Medicine, the editor in chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine, says that vulvodynia is responsible for the pain that premenopausal women experience during sexual intercourse.

Vulvodynia has different subtypes and subtypes have different symptoms. Some patients experience a painful sensation only when they touch their genitals or when a penis (or a tampon) enters them. Other patients live with a chronic pain. They feel pain from wearing pants. In other cases, pain is intermittent. Some patients have felt pain from the first time a penis or a tampon penetrated her. Others developed the condition at a later stage in their lives.

The reasons behind the condition are different. Some patients have a nerve overgrowth at their genitals. Others may develop allergies that cause their symptoms. Infections like candidiasis, herpes, or human papilloma virus,  also may lead to vulvodynia. Probably the patients live with an autoimmune disorder, similar to lupus or eczema. Pelvic floor dysfunction might be another reason.
According to doctors, vulvodynia is not a psychological condition, even if its symptoms seem intangible. Health care professionals say that it is often treatable, even if full recovery is rare.
Scientists have not found the exact cause of this condition, they say it has multiple factors: genetics, immune diseases, probably it has something to do with the wrong diet habits.

Treatment includes healthy diet options, medicines, in severe cases, surgery.