Sex & you

Sex & you

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Testicular Self Examination

Have you ever examined your testicles? If the answer is no or few years ago, it is time to perform a self examination. This self examination can be very helpful when it comes to testicular cancer detection or other medical conditions that might affect your testicles.

Although the number of people suffering from testicular cancer is not that high, according to some statistics this number is rising constantly every year. Expert have come to a conclusion that if you have suffered from incompletely lowered testicles (cryptorchidism) or an inguinal hernia, you have around 10%-20% higher chances of developing testicular cancer. Of course there are few other risk factors and their influence is still being studied. These factors include – premature puberty, family diseases, maternal smoking during pregnancy, age of the mother at birth, complications during birth and various types of radiation.  Testicular cancer can be easily spotted with an examination. At the beginning it comes in a form of induration or lump that can be felt during examination. However not every lump is a testicular cancer and that’s why you should visit your doctor to determine the real reason for those lumps. In addition, you can take note for some of the symptoms of testicular cancer. First of all, look for gradually or rapid movement of one of the testicles. Find out if there are any swellings (painful or painless) on any spot on the testicles. See if you have a feeling of heaviness or unusual sensitivity in one of the testicles. Another symptom of testicular cancer is increased pressure by the lymph nodes to the bladder although this symptom is common for kidney disease too.

When it comes to self examination, experts suggest that these examinations should be performed once a month and on the same if possible. The testicles must be relaxed so try to perform this self examination in a warm room and the best time do to it is after you’ve taken a shower or bath. Don’t examine the two testicles at one, check them one by one and use the other one for comparison. It is better to know the elements of your testicles like vessels, vas deferens and epididymis are. In this way you can notice all the changes easily.

In order to perform a proper self examination you should take one of the testicles in both hands so that the thumb and other fingers of both hands are flat in order to feel the testicles. Check each testicle separately and try to keep an order. First check the epididymis, after that vas deferens and in the end the vessels. Make sure you’ve checked both testicles in the same order. Look for any unusual lumps, swelling or indurances.

Even if you are suffering from testicular cancer, you should not be worried, because treatment of testicular cancer is one of the most successful and around 90% of the people are cured. In most cases surgery is required as well as chemotherapy. That’s why don’t forget to perform testicular self examination frequently.